Kish o Maat
"Kish o Maat", in Persian "checkmate", is the installation created for Isola Design District 2022 that brings together and tells the collections. Each piece of jewel in the collection is a micro sculpture made entirely by hand with the lost wax casting method, a sculptural technique introduced in the Bronze Age and developed over the centuries in Persian, Etruscan, Roman, Greek art and in monumental sculpture. All collections are produced in limited edition or made as a single piece.
Kish o Maat
The installation takes inspiration from the origin of the Persian word "transformed universe", the Persian word "universe", from which the words "world" and "universe" also derive.
Pythagoras is said to have been the first philosopher to use the term Kāheykeŝān as universe and may have been referring to the starry sky.
The "Panjeh" collection, of silver and bronze rings, presented the unique pieces suspended above a brass surface painted with the direct oxidation technique, a visual metaphor of the moment in which the molten metal is poured into the mold as it happens in the ancient sculptural technique of lost wax casting. Each ring is produced and finished by hand in a limited edition of five numbered pieces.
Unknown Flying Object
The installation relates different languages experimental that, through the study of the phases lunar, investigate the mysteries of one of the most symbols important for the human being, the circle. A collection of wall lamps made in oxidized sheet metal and gold leaf dialogues through form, matter and light with a collection of rings in pure silver and bronze. The installation is made up of unique pieces made completely by hand.